7th Digital Business Research Day (DBRD 2024)

21st of May | 16:00-22:00 and 22nd of May 2024 | 8:30-17:00

Faculty of Science and Technology – University of Coimbra, Portugal

Conference Information

We are pleased to announce the 7th International Digital Business Research Day hosted at the Department of Informatics Engineering @ University of Coimbra, Portugal.

The conference is one of the key event and get-together within the Digital Business Cooperative Network between the Innovation Value Institute at Maynooth University, Ireland, the Digital Business Institute at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Steyr and the Department of Informatics Engineering at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

We invite postgraduate research students at any stage of their research to submit extended abstracts and present at the conference. The conference provides a platform for researchers and research students to exchange ideas, and present and discuss ongoing research.

The contributions can focus on the research topic but also include other challenges and experiences related to postgraduate research. Examples include: how to publish research results in high-quality outlets, how to position research and research contributions, how to apply research methods, and how to structure and systematically plan a good Ph.D. thesis. The participants include experienced researchers and professors, providing an opportunity for discussion of research projects in an academically stimulating atmosphere. Moreover, the Digital Business Research Day provides multiple networking opportunities, embedded into a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Scope of the Conference

Digital Business includes a wide range of topics from strategic aspects to implementation. Research on Digital Business supports enterprises in their Digital Transformation and the development of innovative business models. It is positioned at the nexus of Information and Communications Technology, Software Engineering, and Business Studies, and includes a range of innovative digital technologies. Authors are encouraged to submit research-in-progress papers with specific questions and issues for discussion during the course research day.

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Talentierte und motivierte Studierende, die engagiert und neugierig an unseren Seminaren teilnehmen, inspirieren uns.

Die Arbeitswelt wird gerade im Digital Business immer herausfordernder. Ständig gibt es neue Möglichkeiten. Unsere Studienprogramme sollen Sie darauf vorbereiten und das gelingt am besten, wenn alle gemeinsam einen hohen Anspruch in Bezug auf Professionalität haben und ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven sind. Daher wollen wir, dass Ihre Interessen, Fähigkeiten und Stärken zu unseren Studiengängen passen. Ein Aufnahmeverfahren ist bei allen unseren Programmen vorgesehen. Dabei wollen wir Sie besser kennenlernen. Denn eine Schulnote erzählt niemals Ihre ganze Geschichte.